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  • harshini28


In this fast pacing world, we can feel ourselves running on a never ending cycle, a daily race to get the bread, to catch-up on events and have the fear of missing out. But in reality we forget to enjoy the small and simple things in our life. We never really understand the worth of something until it's gone.

Similarly I didn't know the worth of home made food until it was taken away from me. I had the privilege of home cooked food until I was living under my parent's roof. I'm pretty sure people who left home to a different place for education or career could relate better!

As a typical teenager or young adult who leaves home, it's common to feel excited about outside food as it is more delicious, tasty, colorful, mouth watering, attractive etc., but as time passes by slowly the tasty fast food starts boring you out, restaurants don't excite you anymore, you can feel your whole body getting tired of how unhealthy you eat, your pockets get emptied out quickly by spending on food outside and it starts to become a void that's hard to fill.

Home-cooked food is not only a healthy and tasty meal but it also has a sentiment behind it. When you think about home-made food your mind automatically goes back to the memory of someone close to you, preparing the food with love and care for you. It basically has the personal touch of your family. The reason why it's so special is every time you have it, it brings back the memories of you having food with your family, spending time with them and talking about how your day went, your mom putting an extra spoon of your favorite dish on your plate etc. Just like how home-memories are unforgettable, home-made meals too stay fresh in our memories. No matter how hard restaurants try to prepare food, it can never match with the ones prepared at home.

Once in a while it's healthy to take a step back and start appreciating the small and simple things in your life, because sometimes a simple homemade rasam can bring you more joy than an expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant and that's exactly what we do at Sheplates. We provide you home-made food just like the ones you used to have at your home. Our home-made meals are packed with love by Sheplates' home-chef.

Place your order now and enjoy home-made meals today!

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