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  • harshini28

When was the last time you had a meal from another home?

Let’s go back in time for a while. You would probably remember the last time you watched a movie, or the last time you went out with our friends, or the last time you went on a vacation, or the last time you went to your favorite restaurant, but do you remember the last time you had a meal from another home? Probably not.

Why is it you do not remember the last time you had a meal from another home? Either you have never tried food from another home because you narrowed your appetite towards restaurant food or because you have never valued home-made food that your neighbour would share with you.

We've all been struggling in so many ways this year as a result of COVID-19. Among the hardest hit is having healthy food! Since restaurants have all been shut down during this lockdown all of us in one way or the other have inclined ourselves to home-cooked food.

In pre-COVID-19 times, no matter how many demerits were put forth about restaurant food such as hygiene factor, usage of preservatives, expensive food items, etc, we still used to look out for outside food, but have you ever wondered how does food from another home taste like?

When do you think food tastes best? Food does not taste best at restaurants or hotels. Food tastes best when it is made at home. It tastes best when it is packed in small boxes shared by our neighbours or by our relatives that is cooked with love. The flavour of home-cooked food cannot be compared with any food item in the most expensive restaurant that you can name.

That extra Dabba shared by your loved ones should never be underrated. Of course, you cannot depend on your neighbour for everyday meals, but definitely you could try out home-cooked food by many other home-chefs near your place.

Have you ever wondered that each house in your neighbourhood could share lots of love in forms of Dabbas packed with tasty, healthy, home-cooked meals but those dabbas have never reached your place yet because there isn’t a platform to connect you with such home chefs?

So here we are, at Sheplates you could discover a wide range of home-cooked meals anywhere and we would deliver the packed dabbas at your place, at your convenience.

Also, it’s not just Home-cooked meals but also other home made products, because anything shared by others would be worth it!

Though all of this might sound cool, there might be many questions running in your mind such as:

Is it okay to order a homemade dish to my place?

Yes! There’s currently no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with food and also the next best alternative for cooking is a meal from another house. All you have to do is subscribe to one of Sheplates plan and choose your favourite meal. We would deliver the same at your place with all necessary safety measures.

Is it okay to give others food that I cooked at home?

It is actually a really nice thing to share home-made meals to someone who maybe can’t get out, or doesn’t like to [or can’t] cook for themselves. It’s absolutely fine, as long as you practice appropriate social distancing, but you don’t have to worry about delivery, we at Sheplates would take care of delivering it to the one in need of your home food!

Pick up your mobiles and order delicious home-made meals from SHEPLATES right away! Share your experience with us on how it was like to have a meal from another home! Lets all take this opportunity to thank our mothers, our neighbors, our relatives , our friends and everyone else who had shared home-cooked meals with us! ~ HAPPY SHARING!

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